Aethlon Medical is closely monitoring the Bird Flu situation and stands ready to work alongside hospitals, health agencies and the FDA if existing therapies prove inadequate.
- What is Aethlon Medical, Inc.’s state of incorporation?
- What is Aethlon Medical, Inc.'s common stock ticker symbol and where does it trade?
Our shares are listed on Nasdaq Capital Market under ticker symbol "AEMD."
- What is Aethlon Medical, Inc.’s CUSIP number?
- Do you have Direct Stock Purchase plan?
No, Aethlon Medical does not have a Direct Stock Purchase plan.
- Who is Aethlon Medical, Inc.'s transfer agent?
Computershare Investor Services
P.O. Box 30170
College Station, TX 77842-3170
T: 781-575-2000 Who is Aethlon Medical, Inc.'s independent auditor?
Haskell & White LLP
- When is Aethlon Medical, Inc.'s fiscal year end?
March 31st